Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baleigh @ 4 months old!

Yeah, I can't believe it has been over 4 months since Baleigh has been born!

She is absolutely amazing!
Growing like a little weed and getting more and more adorable by the day, at her last appointment she weighed in at 10 lbs even and 22 inches long. That means she was a little under 5 times her birth weight of 2 lbs 5 oz!

She is starting to be more vocal each day and I love it!

We got her 4 month pictures taken a couple weeks ago and will be picking them up this Friday..
She was an absolute princess during her pictures; smiling and happy as a clam!

At the end of the month we will be traveling to Ohio to introduce Baleigh to both mine and Jeremy's families.. I really hope Baleigh sleeps most of the 8 hour trip (or more depending on how well she acts)..
will update a little more after the trip with some pics as well :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Baleighs Birth Story

So on 03/04/2010 I woke up and the day started off like every other day. Went to the Dr for my 30 week ultrasound and to see how Baleigh was measuring. The Dr was very worried about my high blood pressure since i normally didn't have high blood pressure. I was ordered to get some labs done and to do a 24 hr urine lab work. Well by the time i left the Dr's and got the labs done and got home i received a call from my Dr telling me to pack my bags, get a hold of my husband and get back to the hospital because he was very worried with my labs. I was diagnosed with pre-eclamsia and Hellp syndrome (Hellp syndrome for those of you like me who had never heard of it is when you have hemolysis; elevated liver enzymes; low platelet count) With pre-eclamsia and hellp syndrome they said that it could lead to still birth and death for me.. so they said with in 24-48 hrs i was having a baby.. talk about freaking the heck out..
Back to Womack I went.. got there and was met by my great friend Angie (love ya girl!).. I was admitted and they started talking about transferring me to either Duke University or UNC-Children's Hospital. Welp UNC is where we ended up going. I was admitted into UNC on 3/4/10 at 10pm. Angie being the wonderful friend she is followed the ambulance from Womack to UNC to meet me.
on 3/5/10 in the morning they took more blood work and were still not happy with the way things were progressing and i was getting a horrible headache that i just could not get rid of no matter what they did. so they decided I was having her.. I was so damn worried.. Called my mom and told her and she jumped on a plane and came to be with me until Jeremy got home (he was deployed and was being red crossed home).. at 10pm my mom arrived and at 10:05 they took me into surgery.. 10pm is when Jeremy made it into the country.. he was at BWI in Baltimore Maryland..

Baleigh was born at 10:57pm.. she was 2lbs 5oz 15 inches long. It was very scary her being so small... but she is one hell of a fighter. She was on a CPAP machine for a couple days and was on oxygen for a week or so but other than that she was breathing on her own and was doing wonderfully. The only other machine she needed was a billi light to help with her having jaundice.

8 weeks in the hospital and Baleigh finally got to come home!!

She has been home since Friday April 30Th.